Frequently Asked Questions


Yes, we do. We can help support your career with the right training and courses.

Yes, we do. If you would like information on training courses for your employees to complete as a group, please do get in touch.

Rail Courses

We train in all weathers, unless we are experiencing adverse wind for Mewp and Crane operations or extreme heat/snow. Just make sure you bring the correct PPE to accommodate.

Construction Courses

We replicate construction sites, so just as you would have stand down due to poor weather, we too will have to cancel or postpone if wet weather negatively impacts ground conditions resulting in a lower provision of quality training.

DOTTS supply revision and study material (where applicable) along with all Joining Instructions. Should you have any questions, our trainers can be contacted for support.


To work with OTP you must have a valid PTS and be off your learning support i.e., White Hat.

To be an Operator you will need a minimum medical level 1.

To be a Machine/Crane Controller you will need a minimum medical level 2.

All learners must have completed the OTP Core E-Learning prior to any practical training which can either be booked via your sponsor or through us at DOTTS.

To see all pre-requisites of a particular course, use our Career Pathway Tool.

To progress as an Operator in OTP you must have proven experience in operating the civils base machine in the respective recognised schemes i.e., CPCS, NPORS, IPAF etc.

For most OTP Operator courses, holding a Driving Licence is mandatory, and in some cases i.e., operating Highway Permissible Vehicles, the correct Class Licence is required e.g., Class 2.

In some cases, special circumstances may apply if the RRV is exempt from the Road Traffic Act.

To see all pre-requisites of a particular course, use our Career Pathway Tool.


The CPCS training scheme predominantly consists of two elements, the theoretical and the practical assessment:

CPCS Theory Test
The CPCS Theory test covers health and safety, maintenance and operation knowledge about the machine. You will have to pass the theory test before you can move on to the practical test. The test consists of a verbal recording, with a maximum time allowance of 40 minutes. The number of questions asked may vary depending on the type of machine you are being assessed on. The mark required to pass will vary depending on the test or category.

*Please note: 1 hour will be allocated for those candidates requiring an interpreter for the test*

CPCS Practical Test
The CPCS Practical Test involves maintenance checks and various tasks to be performed as set out by CPCS. Some categories can be tested off-centre as it stands at the minute, however not all. When you have completed both the theory and practical tests you will get the CPCS (Red) Trained Operator Card. The time allowed for the practical assessment is also dependant on the type of machine plant you are being assessed on. The CPCS Practical Test can be carried out at our registered CPCS Training Centres or Off Centre.

*Please note: only certain types of machines are deemed as “Off Centre”*

All CPCS Training is delivered from Training Centres located in either East or West Midlands.

The levels of training we offer are:

Beginner (Rookie/Tiro) 5-10 days
Intermediate (Champion) 3-5 days
Expert/Refresher (Gladiator) 1-2 days

Note: Instructors will recommended a duration dependent on your current skill level and experience at initial consultation.

To qualify for the CPCS scheme, candidates must hold a CITB Health & Safety Certification Touch Screen Test that is dated within 2 years.

DOTTS will work with you throughout your training to judge your experience and level of expertise in your chosen category.  We can usually assess during our initial consultation the level you require, however we will continue to monitor your progress throughout the training sessions and provide you with regular feedback.


Unfortunately, NR mandated in 2022 that no individual is able to make a direct payment to an NSAR training provider. All bookings must be authorised and paid for by the sponsor. Any training agreement or payment made between the individual and sponsor is at their discretion.

Unfortunately at this current time we do not offer any payments plans, however this is something we are looking to support our learners with in the future. We are able to accept cash, BACS, and most major credit cards via Stripe or online link provided.